Love Learning

Book Creator is the simplest, most inclusive way to create content in the classroom.
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For Teachers

Transform classroom engagement.

Turn your students into authors and see them develop literacy skills that will serve them in any subject.


For Schools & Districts

Help every child shine.

The simplest way to create content in the classroom. Book Creator can help teach all curriculum areas.


Why use Book Creator in your school?

Just dive right in.

So simple it takes moments to start creating with Book Creator.

This is for everyone.

Deliberately designed to be used by everyone. Right across the spectrum of age and cognitive ability

Add excitement.

Every subject, every grade level, every type of content you can imagine.

Kids love becoming creators.

Drive engagement and motivation off the scale. There’s a special magic about seeing your own creation come to life.

Purpose built for education.

From the very start Book Creator was built to be a tool for schools, and teachers have shaped every evolution along the way.

Create. Read. Publish.

Education is changing. Bring creativity to your classroom with Book Creator, the one app you need for any subject or grade level.

Combine text, images, audio and video to create:

  • Interactive stories
  • Digital portfolios
  • Research journals
  • Poetry books
  • Science reports
  • Instruction manuals
  • 'About me' books
  • Comic adventures

Love learning

Input your text here! The text element is intended for longform copy that could potentially include multiple paragraphs.
Learn More

What are students making?

It doesn't matter what subject or grade level you're teaching, students can demonstrate their understanding by creating a book.

Here are some great examples:

The Competition
Welcome to My Family
Little Fish
My Pet Monster
Eye Spy The Parasitic Peril
  • Publish to an authentic audience

    Writing a book is a fantastic way to make connections in learning. Students create a finished product, giving them a platform for sharing their learning with peers or others.

    Case study: Putting publishing into the hands of students

    Jane Ross

    My students are each creating a resource that will be available for download across the world. This is authentic learning at its best. My students have a voice.Jane Ross, Digital Literacy Coach
  • Example page from a book
Ready to start making books?

Try Book Creator free today

Two million books made per month in
Book Creator, in countries across the world.

159 countries

2 million books per month

100 million books made so far

What do teachers say about Book Creator?

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Ready to start making books?

Try Book Creator free today