Category: English / Language Arts

Here are all the blog posts included in this category.
Featured image for “Bringing student stories to life with Book Creator”

Bringing student stories to life with Book Creator

These students are really pushing the limits of what can be achieved in Book Creator. Together they published an interactive multimedia story, which can be read from the perspective of 5 different characters!
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Featured image for “Open letter to the Book Creator team: When Book Creator saved the day”

Open letter to the Book Creator team: When Book Creator saved the day

Book Creator Ambassador Christina Mahar sent us an email that was so lovely we asked if we could publish it.
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Featured image for “How to get your students to plan the Book Creator lesson”

How to get your students to plan the Book Creator lesson

When students become familiar with their iPads, let them dictate how they want to smash apps to create the final product.
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Featured image for “Creating vocabulary notebooks with a purpose”

Creating vocabulary notebooks with a purpose

This teacher had the great idea to create template books for her students. She chose Apple’s Keynote app to create the template.
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Featured image for “Dad teaches his daughter phonics with Book Creator”

Dad teaches his daughter phonics with Book Creator

This brilliantly inventive father is teaching his daughter phonics by creating an ebook with her, and app smashing no less than 14 apps with Book Creator!
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Featured image for “Digital interactive notebooks with Book Creator”

Digital interactive notebooks with Book Creator

The 2 Techie Teachers share their insight into making digital interactive notebooks, which they claim has revolutionised workflow and engagement in their classroom.
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Featured image for “Redefining barrier games with Book Creator”

Redefining barrier games with Book Creator

Barrier games are a traditional teaching tool to assist language skills in early childhood. Here’s some ideas for making these with Book Creator.
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Featured image for “Informational Research and Book Creator”

Informational Research and Book Creator

It’s always useful when teachers share their lesson plans and tips. Here’s another one from a newly-qualified Apple Distinguished Educator.
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